def get_nav_layout():
def find_first_frame_layout(layout):
"" "は、最初のフレームレイアウト" ""が見つかるまで、すべての子レイアウトを取得します
children = cmds.layout(layout、ca = True、q = True)
もしchild.startswith( 'frameLayout'):
nav_layout = find_first_frame_layout( 'AttrEdsporeNodeFormLayout')
return wrapInstance(long(omui.MQtUtil.findControl(nav_layout))、QWidget)
from shiboken2 import getCppPointer, wrapInstance
def testAdresses(self):
q = QtCore.QObject()
ptr = wrapper.getCppPointer(q)
print("CppPointer to an instance of PySide.QtCore.QObject = 0x%016X" % ptr[0])
# None of the following is expected to raise an
# OverflowError on 64-bit systems
# largest 32-bit address
wrapper.wrapInstance(0xFFFFFFFF, QtCore.QObject)
# a regular, slightly smaller 32-bit address
wrapper.wrapInstance(0xFFFFFFF, QtCore.QObject)
# an actual 64-bit address (> 4 GB, the first non 32-bit address)
wrapper.wrapInstance(0x100000000, QtCore.QObject)
# largest 64-bit address
wrapper.wrapInstance(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, QtCore.QObject)